1) Manipulate the image bits directly in memory as a byte (or int/whatever depending on your target colour depth) array. Don t use anything which GetsPixel() from an image each time.
2) Minimise your maths. For plasma effects you ll usually be using a lot of trig functions which are fairly slow when you re doing them (heightwidthframerate) times per second. Either use a fast dedicated maths library for your calucations or, better yet, cache the calculations at the start and use a look-up table during the effect to cut the math out of each frame entirely.
3) One of the things which made old-school plasma effects run so fast was palette cycling. I m not aware of any way to replicate this (or palettes in general) with SFML directly but you can use GLSL shaders to get the same kind of result without a big performance hit. Something like this:
float4 PS_ColorShift(float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
float4 color = tex2D(colorMap, Tex);
color.r = color.r+sin(colorshift_timer+0.01f);
color.g = color.g+sin(colorshift_timer+0.02f);
color.b = color.b+sin(colorshift_timer+0.03f);
color.a = 1.0f;
return color;