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JMS InformationCreator.createMessage () in Grails
原标题:JMS MessageCreator.createMessage() in Grails

我正试图对我的铁路申请实施 j。

I have several JMS consumer in a spring based enviroment listining on an ActiveMQ broker. I wrote a simple test commandline client which creates messages and receives them in an request response manner.

Here is the snippet that sends a MapMessage in Spring JMS way. This works for me as long I am in my spring world.

final String corrID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
asyncJmsTemplate.send("test.RequestQ", new MessageCreator() 
 public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
  try {
   MapMessage msg = session.createMapMessage();
   msg.setStringProperty("json", mapper.writeValueAsString(List<of some objects>));     
   return msg;
  } catch (JsonGenerationException e) {
   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  } catch (IOException e) {
   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  return null;

BUT when I tried to implement this methods to my grails test app I receive some METHOD_DEF exceptions. Sending simple TextMessages via the jmsTemplate.convertAndSende(Queue, Message) provided by the JMS Plugin works.

谁能帮助我? 这一共同问题吗?

Cheers Hans


我实际上不试图这样做,就不得不认为这是一个yn子问题。 你真正与这一匿名类别打交道的是,通过关闭,将所有电离辐射器编码纳入电离层电离层的构造。 在格罗维耶,关闭只能作为最后的论据,将其置于功能名称或母体最初的论点之后。

SomeFunction( arg1, arg2) { some code }


SomeFunction( arg1, arg2, { some code } )


          { code in the anonymous block } as MessageCreator );

我在StackOverflow看到这一点,实际上,这提出了一个问题。 阅读所有答复,请见相关内容:。 取代java内部班级的最佳结业?

I have had the same problems and here is my working solution: I have created a new class MyMessageCreator in the src folder which implements the origin JMS MessageCreator interface.



public class MyMessageCreator implements MessageCreator {

    public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
        return session.createMapMessage();



Session session = jmsTemplate.getConnectionFactory().createConnection().createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
MapMessage msg = new MyMessageCreator().createMessage(session);

Hope this helps, Mirko

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