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原标题:Selecting radiobuttons populated within asp.net RadioButtonList with jQuery

Hello and thanks in advance for the communal help I always find here. I have been tinkering around with what should seem a pretty straight forward task even for a jQuery newb as myself. I have a radiobuttonlist control bound to a collection:

<asp:RadioButtonList ID="radBtnLstPackageSelector" runat="server" 

My form does have several other controls of the same type; Now, the challenge is to select and wire up a on Click event for every radiobutton from the radBtnLstPackageSelector.
I have tried several approaches such as:

var results1 = $(".PackageS").children("input");
var results1 = $(".PackageS").children("input[type=radiobutton");
var results1 = $("table.PackageS > input[type=radiobutton");

with no luck... Your help would be great right now! ~m


你们也可以利用协会成员的身份识别仪来定点。 该网络将产生(尽管这是最佳解决办法,并可能改变未来版本的ASP)。 NET:

$(function() {
    $("[id*=radBtnLstPackageSelector]:radio").click(function() {
        alert( $(this).val() );  // Alerts the value of the radio button.

All IDs inside radBtnLstPackageSelector will be in the form of
[other naming containers if there are any]_radBtnLstPackageSelector_[index of the element 1..last]


因此,请在<代码>的每个无线电台上点击。 全套S。 这项权利吗?


$(function() {
    $(".PackageS :radio").click(function() {
        alert( $(this).val() );  // Alerts the value of the radio button.

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