English 中文(简体)
WMI 更换远程机器
原标题:WMI to reboot remote machine


using System.Management;

void Shutdown()
    ManagementBaseObject mboShutdown = null;
    ManagementClass mcWin32 = new ManagementClass("Win32_OperatingSystem");

    // You can t shutdown without security privileges
    mcWin32.Scope.Options.EnablePrivileges = true;
    ManagementBaseObject mboShutdownParams =

    // Flag 1 means we want to shut down the system. Use "2" to reboot.
    mboShutdownParams["Flags"] = "1";
    mboShutdownParams["Reserved"] = "0";
    foreach (ManagementObject manObj in mcWin32.GetInstances())
        mboShutdown = manObj.InvokeMethod("Win32Shutdown", 
                                       mboShutdownParams, null);



SearchResultCollection allMachinesCollected = machineSearch.FindAll();
Methods myMethods = new Methods();
string pcName;
ArrayList allComputers = new ArrayList();
foreach (SearchResult oneMachine in allMachinesCollected)
    //pcName = oneMachine.Properties.PropertyNames.ToString();
    pcName = oneMachine.Properties["name"][0].ToString();
    MessageBox.Show(pcName + "has been sent the restart command.");
    Process.Start("shutdown.exe", "-r -f -t 0 -m \" + pcName);



为了向遥远的计算机处理海事委员会的问题,你简单地指出,在/ManagementScope >>> 反对。

I m在C#中未见到,但这里有一个例子,即我使用MSDN和

<><>>(<>>Disapper:> 该法典未经测试。

using System;
using System.Management;

void Shutdown()
        const string computerName = "COMPUTER"; // computer name or IP address

        ConnectionOptions options = new ConnectionOptions();
        options.EnablePrivileges = true;
        // To connect to the remote computer using a different account, specify these values:
        // options.Username = "USERNAME";
        // options.Password = "PASSWORD";
        // options.Authority = "ntlmdomain:DOMAIN";

        ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(
          "\\" + computerName +  "\root\CIMV2", options);

        SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery("Win32_OperatingSystem");
        ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = 
            new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);

        foreach (ManagementObject os in searcher.Get())
            // Obtain in-parameters for the method
            ManagementBaseObject inParams = 

            // Add the input parameters.
            inParams["Flags"] =  2;

            // Execute the method and obtain the return values.
            ManagementBaseObject outParams = 
                os.InvokeMethod("Win32Shutdown", inParams, null);
    catch(ManagementException err)
        MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while trying to execute the WMI method: " + err.Message);
    catch(System.UnauthorizedAccessException unauthorizedErr)
        MessageBox.Show("Connection error (user name or password might be incorrect): " + unauthorizedErr.Message);

我也对此感到不安。 海事委员会可能会对班级和物体的方法产生误导。 我的解决办法是与C#和WMI一道在网络上重新设置一个东道国,但当地机器很容易简化:

private void rebootHost(string hostName)
    string adsiPath = string.Format(@"\{0}
ootcimv2", hostName);
    ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(adsiPath);
    // I ve seen this, but I found not necessary:
    // scope.Options.EnablePrivileges = true;
    ManagementPath osPath = new ManagementPath("Win32_OperatingSystem");
    ManagementClass os = new ManagementClass(scope, osPath, null);

    ManagementObjectCollection instances;
        instances = os.GetInstances();
    catch (UnauthorizedAccessException exception)
        throw new MyException("Not permitted to reboot the host: " + hostName, exception);
    catch (COMException exception)
        if (exception.ErrorCode == -2147023174)
            throw new MyException("Could not reach the target host: " + hostName, exception);
        throw; // Unhandled
    foreach (ManagementObject instance in instances)
        object result = instance.InvokeMethod("Reboot", new object[] { });
        uint returnValue = (uint)result;

        if (returnValue != 0)
            throw new MyException("Failed to reboot host: " + hostName);


gwmi win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName xxxxxxxxxxxx | Invoke-WmiMethod -Name reboot

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