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如何模仿 app流?
原标题:how to model a follower stream in appengine?


Saye 我有140个有用户、信使和其他文本的记录。


我将概述我如何制定以下目标,但我的设计有两点限制。 我很想知道,其他人是否拥有实现同样目标的更加划时代的方法。


  1. The list of followers is copied in for each record
  2. If a new follower is added or one removed, all the records have to be updated.


class HashtagFollowers(db.Model):
    This table contains the followers for each hashtag
    hashtag = db.StringProperty()
    followers = db.StringListProperty()

class UserFollowers(db.Model):
    This table contains the followers for each user
    username = db.StringProperty()
    followers = db.StringListProperty()

class stream(db.Model):
    This table contains the data stream
    username = db.StringProperty()
    hashtag = db.StringProperty()
    text = db.TextProperty()

    def save(self):
        On each save all the followers for each hashtag and user
        are added into a another table with this record as the parent
        super(stream, self).save()
        hfs = HashtagFollowers.all().filter("hashtag =", self.hashtag).fetch(10)
        for hf in hfs:
            sh = streamHashtags(parent=self, followers=hf.followers)
        ufs = UserFollowers.all().filter("username =", self.username).fetch(10)
        for uf in ufs:
            uh = streamUsers(parent=self, followers=uf.followers)

class streamHashtags(db.Model):
    The stream record is the parent of this record
    followers = db.StringListProperty() 

class streamUsers(db.Model):
    The stream record is the parent of this record
    followers = db.StringListProperty()

Now, to get the stream of followed hastags 

    indexes = db.GqlQuery("""SELECT __key__ from streamHashtags where followers =  myusername """)
    keys = [k,parent() for k in indexes[offset:numresults]]
    return db.get(keys)





  • The list of followers is copied in for each record

他们说,这不是一个 b,而是一个特有。 事实上,正是以这种方式,狂热在 app度上。

  • If a new follower is added or one removed, all the records have to be updated.

无论是哪怕是其他资源,都跟不上今后的记录。 换言之,一个人不仅仅跟随人流,而是在一定时间跟随人流。 因此,如果你在第2天没有打字,你的追随者将仍然从一天起的用户那里,而不是两天和以后的记录。 [说明:这不同于前导体是如何做到的]。



谷歌搜索引擎小组的Brett Slatkin讲了有效/可衡量的办法,解决了上诉发动机的狂热问题。 你们可以找到这里的谈话录像:

I m不肯定谷歌应用公司如何做到这一点,但一个数据库图示一认为:

    User    -- a table of users with their attributes
    HashTag -- a table of HashTags with their attributes
    Follows -- a table that defines who follows whom

Columns in the Follows table:
    followed int,         -- the id of the followed entity (could be 
                             User or Hashtag)
    followed_is_user bit, -- whether the followed item is a User
    followed_is_tag bit,  -- whether the followed item is a HashTag
    follower int          -- the id of the follower (this can only be 
                             a User so you may want to make this a foreign 
                             key on the User table)


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