English 中文(简体)
我如何把 cur子从第一个文本的字塔移至第二个文本区域,而不使用表格或 mo?
原标题:How do I move the cursor from the first textarea to a second textarea, without using tab or the mouse?

I m building a password box that holds three text areas. Each text area has one character. After I type the first character of the password, I have to press tab or use the mouse to get to the second text area to type the second character of the password. I would like to make this happen automatically (cursor movement) just right after I type in the first text area.


If you may ask, I m using Visual Studio .NET 2008 in C# I m a perfect newbie in .net and I don t know how to ask this question with the appropiate words.



Try onKeyPress。 这应当照顾你们所期待的东西。

<input type="text" name="password" onKeyPress="autoTab()" />

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
   function autoTab() {
     //do stuff




function autoTab(field,nextFieldID){
  if(field.value.length >= field.maxLength){

你们是否在项目中使用 j子?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

    $(function () {

        $( #data1 ).keyup(function () {

            if ($(this).val().length == 1) {

                $( #data2 ).focus();



<input id="data1" type="text" value="" style="width: 10px" /><br />
<input id="data2" type="text" value="" style="width: 10px" />
if textbox1.text.length > 0 then textbox2.focus();

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