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A. 按标题和作者分列的搜查书
原标题:Search book by title, and author

I got a table with columns: author firstname, author lastname, and booktitle Multiple users are inserting in the database, through an import, and I d like to avoid duplicates. So I m trying to do something like this: I have a record in the db: First Name: "Isaac" Last Name: "Assimov" Title: "I, Robot"

If the user tries to add it again, it would be basically a non-split-text (would not be split up into author firstname, author lastname, and booktitle) So it would basically look like this: "Isaac Asimov - I Robot" or "Asimov, Isaac - I Robot" or "I Robot by Isaac Asimov"



将所有这些可能的图书数据假设与我在数据库中掌握的情况相比较的最佳方式是,不要再增加两本书。 我想到的是建议用户的可能性:“如果你试图增加这本书?” (一) 提问——相关问题,而不是相关国际交易日志的字句,就像插头一样。





运营商,但迄今为止,一只 did子获得结果,一味希望。


你们可以比<条码>声音/difference更大幅度地实施比照法的算法:http://anastasiosyal.com/archive/2009/01/11/18.aspx” rel=“nofollow noreferer”>Beyond SoundEx - MS Fuzzysearchings in 服务器

您也可研究如何使用“搜索引擎”风格FREETEXT(。 :

Is a predicate used in a WHERE clause to search columns containing character-based data types for values that match the meaning and not just the exact wording of the words in the search condition




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