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着手在 as中挽救形象
原标题:Pop up to save image in asp.net

我使用的是p.net 3.5和C#。

I have a image which I want user can download. Like, there would be a download button or link. When user click on this link he will be prompted with a pop up to save that image to his desktop.


<a href ="path" > </a>



预 收


你们需要再有一页,或者更确切地说,需要一个HttpHandler,把图像路作为盘点的一部分,或作为将发送到附件内容分层的答复的邮寄参数。 采用这种方式确定内容,将使浏览器能够显示文件下载方言。 稍微容易一些,尽管这取决于用户做额外的事情,但只是要把这个链接放在新网页上,让用户右翼插上,并做“Save As”。

<a href="/path/to/handler?image=name-of-image-file">Download</a>

<a href="/path/to/image" target="_blank">
    Load Image in New Window then Use Save As</a>

页: 1 IHttpHandler ,与<代码>Content-Disposition一道为图像服务。


Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="MyImage.png"");

You would probably pass the image name on the query-string.
If so, make sure it doesn t contain / or , or attackers will be able to read arbitrary files.

Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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