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原标题:which time series class to use in R for financial data?

for working with financial time series, like daily stock prices or intraday data, which time series packages are preferred? xts, plain zoo, or timeSeries or something else? I use both xts and zoo, but sometimes not sure to use xts exclusively or sometimes zoo have advantage of lighter overhead; also, I remembered a review paper on all these packages by Rmetrics, which claims that xts cannot even finish some tests they did. But I cannot find the paper now.



没有任何东西迫使你只使用。 zoo是较年长的,有些包裹对它进行接口,而不是xts。 But xts 延期可提供额外功能(例如索引),使其成为有效的选择。

其他民俗可能完全乐于Rmets。 这一切都取决于并且在某种程度上是个人偏好的问题。


我认为,动物和动物都是很好的选择。 他们在社区中是众所周知的。

There are even more time series classes available apart from xts and zoo. See also Task View Time Series. But I myself try to stay away from too exotic time series classes except I need the particular features. This makes it easier for others to understand the code.

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