English 中文(简体)
原标题:Implementing a scrabble solver
  • 时间:2010-05-28 19:41:52
  •  标签:
  • c
  • perl



  1. I can t seem to figure out why when inputting 12+ letters with some of the same letters,I am getting several duplicates as my accepted int is in place to avoid duplicates (works for the most part);
  2. given an input of up to 26 letters and an nxn board (having some letters filled in already), output all possible word combos that fit in valid spots. Any advice as to how to go about this (the board would be a 2-d array 1 char space in each for 1 letter)

现在 它只是一个基于文字的方案,接受最多26封信,并产生200K字+字典上的所有有效字句:



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define NUM_CHARS 26
#define MAX_WORD_LEN 20
#define WORDS_PER_LINE 12

/* Character link structure */
typedef struct char_link
    struct char_link **cl;  /* All of this links possible next characters */
    short eow;              /* END OF WORD (means this is the last letter of a valid word */
/* Global found word count, used for printing  
  char. */
unsigned short gwc = 0;
CHARLINK * _init_link(CHARLINK **link)
    short i;
    (*link)->cl = (CHARLINK **) malloc(NUM_CHARS * sizeof(CHARLINK *));
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_CHARS; i++)
        (*link)->cl[i] = NULL;
    (*link)->eow = 0;
    return (*link);

void _build_char_link(CHARLINK *link)
    FILE *fp;
    char *ptr, file[2];
    CHARLINK *current_link = NULL;
    char line_buffer[MAX_WORD_LEN];
    unsigned short size = 0;
    static short letter_index = 0;
    int current_letter = 0;

    sprintf(file, "%c", letter_index +  a );
    current_link = _init_link(&link);

    if (fp = fopen(file, "r"))
        while (fgets(line_buffer, MAX_WORD_LEN, fp) > 0)
            /* Skip letter_index */
            ptr = line_buffer + 1;

            while(*ptr && (*ptr !=  
  && *ptr !=  
                current_letter = (int)(*ptr -  a );

                /* Create and jump to new link */
                if (!current_link->cl[current_letter])
                    current_link->cl[current_letter] = (CHARLINK *) malloc (sizeof(CHARLINK));
                    current_link = _init_link(&current_link->cl[current_letter]);
                /* Jump to existing link */
                    current_link = current_link->cl[current_letter];


            current_link->eow = 1;
            /* Reset our current_link pointer to the letter_index link */
            current_link = link;
        printf("Warning: Couldn t import words for letter: %s
", file);


void _draw_tree(CHARLINK *link, short letter, short depth)
    short i, tmp;

    if (!depth)
        printf("Data for letter %c
", letter +  a );
", letter +  a );

    for (i = 0; i < NUM_CHARS; i++)
        if (link->cl[i])
            tmp = depth;
            while (tmp-- >= 0)
                printf("	");
", i +  a , link->cl[i]->eow);
            _draw_tree(link->cl[i], letter, depth + 1);

void _get_possible_words(CHARLINK *link, char *prefix, char *letters, unsigned int input_len, unsigned int depth)
    short i, len, j;
    unsigned int attempted = 0x00000000;

    if (link->eow)
        printf("	%s", prefix);
        if (++gwc == WORDS_PER_LINE)
            gwc = 0;

    len = strlen(prefix);
    for (i = 0; i < input_len; i++)
        if (letters[i])
            j = (1 << (letters[i] -  a ));
            if (!(j & attempted) && link->cl[letters[i] -  a ])
                prefix[len] = letters[i];
                letters[i] =   ;
                _get_possible_words(link->cl[prefix[len] -  a ], prefix, letters, input_len, depth + 1);
                letters[i] = prefix[len];
                prefix[len] =   ;
            attempted |= j;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    short i;
    /* 26 link structures for a-z */
    CHARLINK root_nodes[NUM_CHARS];
    printf("Building structures ");
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_CHARS; i++)
        printf(". ");
    /* Debug, what do our trees look like? */
    //for (i = 0; i < NUM_CHARS; i++)
    //  _draw_tree(&root_nodes[i], i, 0);

        short input_len = 0;
        unsigned int j = 0, attempted = 0x00000000;
        char input[26] = {0};
        char letters[26] = {0};
        char prefix[26] = {0};
        printf("Enter letters ( 0  to exit): ");
        gets(input); /* Yay buffer overflow */
        if (input[0] ==  0 ) break;
        sprintf(letters, "%s", input);
        input_len = strlen(input);
        for (i = 0; i < input_len; i++)
            j = (1 << (input[i] -  a ));
            if (!(j & attempted))
                prefix[0] = input[i];
                letters[i] =   ;
                _get_possible_words(&root_nodes[prefix[0] -  a ], prefix, letters, input_len, 1);
                letters[i] = input[i];
                attempted |= j;

    return 255;


open(FH, "< words.txt");
my %w = map { $_ => {} }  a .. z ;
while (<FH>)
    $w{lc $1}->{lc $_} = 1 if /^(w)/;

foreach my $l ( keys %w )
    open (OUT, "> $l");
    foreach my $a ( keys %{$w{$l}} )
        print OUT "$a
    close OUT;



无理由进行大散散射。 您可以按照以下一点开始:

my %w = map { $_ => {} }  a .. z ;

但是,完全没有理由 in,如果你说:

$w{$1}{$_} = 1 if /^(w)/;

但你有错误,如果一字从封顶信开始,就会进入错误的关键。 如果你想要追捕这些错误,你可以使用哈希姆:Util s lock_keys,以防止在你身上添加新的钥匙。 用<条码>lc或<条码>使你的言词规范化,以强制适用正确情况。

你与你的Perl会提出一些其他次要问题。 而且,由于你正在处理(推定)大量档案,为什么要保留所有字句?

use strict;
use warnings;

use IO::Handle;

open my $fh,  < , $wordlist_path 
    or die "Error opening word list  $wordlist  - $!

# Open a handle for each target file.    
my %handle = map { 
    open my $fh,  > , $_ 
        or die "Error opening sublist $_ - $!
    $_ => $fh;
}  a .. z ;

while( my $word = <$fh> ) {

    $word = clean_word( $word );

    my $first_letter = substr $word, 0, 1;

    $handle{$first_letter}->print( "$word
" );

sub clean_word {
    my $word = shift;

    chomp $word;
    $word = lc $word;

    $word =~ s/^s*//;
    $word =~ s/s*$//;

    return $word;

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