English 中文(简体)
Django - The included urlconf don t have any patterns in it
原标题:Django - The included urlconf doesn t have any patterns in it


ImproperlyConfigured at / The included urlconf resume.urls doesn t have any patterns in it

恢复项目基础。 在环境中,我已经做了安排。

ROOT_URLCONF =  resume.urls 


from django.conf.urls.defaults import *

# Uncomment the next two lines to enable the admin:
from django.contrib import admin

urlpatterns = patterns(  ,
    # Example:
    # (r ^resume/ , include( resume.foo.urls )),

    # Uncomment the admin/doc line below and add  django.contrib.admindocs  
    # to INSTALLED_APPS to enable admin documentation:
    (r ^admin/doc/ , include( django.contrib.admindocs.urls )),

    # Uncomment the next line to enable the admin:
    (r ^admin/ , include(admin.site.urls)),

    (r ^accounts/login/$ ,  django.contrib.auth.views.login ),

    #(r ^employer/ , include(students.urls)),

    (r ^ajax/ , include( urls.ajax )),
    (r ^student/ , include( students.urls )),
    (r ^club/(?P<object_id>d+)/$ ,  resume.students.views.club_detail ),
    (r ^company/(?P<object_id>d+)/$ ,  resume.students.views.company_detail ),
    (r ^program/(?P<object_id>d+)/$ ,  resume.students.views.program_detail ),
    (r ^course/(?P<object_id>d+)/$ ,  resume.students.views.course_detail ),
    (r ^career/(?P<object_id>d+)/$ ,  resume.students.views.career_detail ),

    (r ^site_media/(?P<path>.*)$ ,  django.views.static.serve , { document_root :  C:/code/django/resume/media }),


我有一把手叫ur和档案。 页: 1 (我还创建了一个空白的init.py in the same ́s so that urls be recognized.) 这是ja。

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *

urlpatterns = patterns(  ,
    (r ^star/(?P<object_id>d+)$ ,  resume.students.ajax-calls.star ),

任何人都知道什么错误? 这使我.。



检查您的格局,包括说明不存在哪些模块或单元没有<编码>/编码>成员。 我看到,你有一张<条码>,其中可能不正确。 是否应打上<条码>。


TL;DR: 或许需要使用reverse_lazy()而不是reverse(>。





  • project.urls imported app.urls
  • app.urls imported app.views
  • app.views had a class-based view that used reverse
  • reverse imports project.urls, resulting in a circular dependency.

Using 。 而不是reverse 这个问题已经解决:这推迟了该轮船的倒置,直到第一次需要时。

Moral: Always use reverse_lazy 如果你需要先扭转。



" or any thing else. Correcting name helped me




IN my case I got this error during deployment. Apache kept giving me the "AH01630: client denied by server configuration" error. This indicated that was wrong with apache configuration. To help troubleshoot I had turned on Debug=True in settings.py when I saw this error.

最后,我不得不在座右翼内部的静态档案配置中添加新的指令。 当静态档案无法查取时,在集延戈环境中的欺骗被确定为真实的,这一错误正在引发一些how。

我在试图利用RedirectView和url的参数来扭转(和逆转_lazy)这一错误。 犯罪法典认为:

from django.views.generic import RedirectView
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
url(r ^(?P<location_id>d+)/$ , RedirectView.as_view(url=reverse( dailyreport_location , args=[ %(location_id)s , ]))),


from django.views.generic import RedirectView
url(r ^(?P<location_id>d+)/$ , RedirectView.as_view(url= /statistics/dailyreport/%(location_id)s/ )),

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 定型号使你能够继续使用卢尔型号:

from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
urlpatterns = patterns(  ,
    url(r ^(?P<location_id>d+)/$ , lambda x, location_id: HttpResponseRedirect(reverse( dailyreport_location , args=[location_id])), name= location_stats_redirect ),

就我而言,这是因为图形不包装。 我只剩下了一张ur子,其根本原因是<代码>。 ImproperlyConfigured 错误

TypeError:  URLPattern  object is not iterable


urlpatterns = (url(...) , )


Imp: 其中包含的“URLconf”似乎没有任何模式。 如果在档案中看到有效的模式,这个问题很可能是由循环进口造成的。

尿素模式是有效的,但问题是台风造成的进口错误。 页: 1

注:出于某种原因,在我拯救了另一个档案之后,这一错误也消失了。 因此,该错误首次出现,我保存了一个档案,其中我在<代码>forms.py文档中指明了错误的植被:

extra_field = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextField())


extra_field = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput()) 

在将其改为正确版本(TextInput)和保留表格之后。 简而言之,这一错误在我的奥索尔仍在显现。 在拯救另一个档案(例如模型.py)之后,该错误消失。

Check the imported modules in views.py if there is any uninstalled modules you found remove the module from your views.py file. It s Fix for me

django.urls.reverse()-->django.urls.reverse_lazy() This will instantly solve it.

在我的案件上,在应用urls.py的道路端使用 comma。 这个问题已经解决。


urlpatterns =[
    path(  , views.index, name= app )**,**

代码中的星号仅用于强调 com。

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