我的节目在Delphi(以目标为导向的帕斯卡尔)撰写。 当我试图印刷任何东西时,我获得“目前没有安装任何打印机的计算机选用的缺省打印机”。
为了防止这种情况,我想检查是否安装了打印机。 是否有办法检查是否安装了打印机?
我的节目在Delphi(以目标为导向的帕斯卡尔)撰写。 当我试图印刷任何东西时,我获得“目前没有安装任何打印机的计算机选用的缺省打印机”。
为了防止这种情况,我想检查是否安装了打印机。 是否有办法检查是否安装了打印机?
use Printers;
{ TPrinter }
{ The printer object encapsulates the printer interface of Windows. A print
job is started whenever any redering is done either through a Text variable
or the printers canvas. This job will stay open until EndDoc is called or
the Text variable is closed. The title displayed in the Print Manager (and
on network header pages) is determined by the Title property.
EndDoc - Terminates the print job (and closes the currently open Text).
The print job will being printing on the printer after a call to EndDoc.
NewPage - Starts a new page and increments the PageNumber property. The
pen position of the Canvas is put back at (0, 0).
Canvas - Represents the surface of the currently printing page. Note that
some printer do not support drawing pictures and the Draw, StretchDraw,
and CopyRect methods might fail.
Fonts - The list of fonts supported by the printer. Note that TrueType
fonts appear in this list even if the font is not supported natively on
the printer since GDI can render them accurately for the printer.
PageHeight - The height, in pixels, of the page.
PageWidth - The width, in pixels, of the page.
PageNumber - The current page number being printed. This is incremented
when ever the NewPage method is called. (Note: This property can also be
incremented when a Text variable is written, a CR is encounted on the
last line of the page).
PrinterIndex - Specifies which printer in the TPrinters list that is
currently selected for printing. Setting this property to -1 will cause
the default printer to be selected. If this value is changed EndDoc is
called automatically.
Printers - A list of the printers installed in Windows.
Title - The title used by Windows in the Print Manager and for network
title pages. }
这里是一部配备目前安装的所有打印机的图像 com盒的密码。
procedure TMyForm.RefreshPrinterList;
I: Integer;
NewItem: TComboExItem;
PPrinterEnumArray, PLocator: PPrinterInfo2;
ArraySize, BufferSize: cardinal;
strBuffer: string;
idx_Default_Net_printer = 0;
idx_Net_printer = 1;
idx_Default_Local_printer = 2;
idx_Local_printer = 3;
DefaultPrinterName := getDefaultPrinterName;
// S.G. 4/4/2008: list all other printers
// S.G. 4/4/2008: Get the necessary buffer size
ArraySize := 0;
BufferSize := 0;
PPrinterEnumArray := nil;
EnumPrinters(PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL or PRINTER_ENUM_CONNECTIONS, nil, 2, nil, 0, BufferSize, ArraySize);
PPrinterEnumArray := AllocMem(BufferSize);
if EnumPrinters(PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL or PRINTER_ENUM_CONNECTIONS, nil, 2, PPrinterEnumArray, BufferSize, BufferSize, ArraySize) then
PLocator := PPrinterEnumArray;
if ArraySize > 0 then
for I := 0 to ArraySize - 1 do // Iterate
NewItem := cbPrinterList.ItemsEx.Add;
strBuffer := StrPas(PLocator^.pPrinterName);
UniqueString(strBuffer); // make sure we have a unique string instance and not a pointer
NewItem.Caption := strBuffer;
if AnsiSameText(DefaultPrinterName, strBuffer) then
// default printer
if (PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_LOCAL AND PLocator^.Attributes) <> 0 then
// Local, default printer
NewItem.ImageIndex := idx_Default_Local_printer;
// Network default printer
NewItem.ImageIndex := idx_Default_Net_printer;
cbPrinterList.ItemIndex := NewItem.Index;
// default printer
if (PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_LOCAL AND PLocator^.Attributes) <> 0 then
// Local, default printer
NewItem.ImageIndex := idx_Local_printer;
// Network default printer
NewItem.ImageIndex := idx_Net_printer;
end; // for
finally // wrap up
end; // try/finally
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