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在MVcContrib.FluentHtml.Check BoxList
原标题:Disable a checkbox in a MVcContrib.FluentHtml.CheckboxList

我刚刚开始发现布罗特Hml和Im与BoxList求助器 st。


                .Options(criteria.Choices, x => x.Code, x => x.DisplayText)
                .Label(criteria.Label).ItemFormat("<li> {0} </li>")



这里是法典 of a ChoiceViewModel

public class ChoiceViewModel
    // Some stuff
    public string Code { get{ return _code; } }
    public string Label { get { return _label; }}
    public string DisplayText { get { return _displayText;}

And my problem is : I want to disable the checkbox under a condition.



Thanks, Hasan


检查箱没有规定这一点。 你们可以在 lo中与Box一起这样做。 与此类似:

<%foreach (var choice in criteria.Choices) {%>
      <%=this.CheckBox(m => m.Filter)
         .Checked(choice == Model.Filter)

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