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XForms: set relevancy for a list

I have a list element in my model instance. I am using Orbeon XForms.

    <list name= mylist />
    <status />

Status can be Private or Public. In xforms:binding, I want to set relevant attribute for showing/hiding the list. The list is bound to a drop-down. If status is Private I want to show the list, if status is Public I want to hide the list.

I tried the following and it does not work.

<xforms:bind nodeset="instance( myinstance )/list[@name= mylist ]" relevant="instance( myinstance )/status= Private " />

I assume that you have a custom XBL component bound to that <list> and you are saying that the custom XBL control you have bound to that element is not hidden. If that is the case, most likely it is because you don t have inside the XBL component an <xforms:group> that is bound to the node.

When you write <me:my-component ref="some-node"/>, it doesn t bind the <me:my-component> to some-node by itself. You only get a behavior which is "as if" the component was bound to the node if in the implementation if the component you properly copy the ref on an <xforms:group>.

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