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适当变化 Ajax 多个Handle Slider参数
原标题:Properly changing Ajax MultiHandle Slider parameters on postbacks

2008年 我有VB。 该网络使用Ajax多种代谢器推广法,在页数和Im中添加代号,以过滤对数值的检索结果。

Fistly, the multihandle sliders don t display in the designer... I have to remove the slider targets tag: In order to make it display in the designer... this isn t so much a big issue but an annoyance.

I am displaying items in a given category. So I get the max and min prices for all items in that category and assign the sliderextension max/min values appropriately.

This works fine until... I change the item category and go get a new max/min value for the slider control. I set the max/min values, then I set the target textbox values each to the corresponding max/min values.

The slider handles don t repaint (or init?) properly Like say for example my initial min/max is 1/100 if I do a full postback and change the max value to 1000 then the slider bar (correctly) stays the same size but the handle appears WAYYYY to the right off the page and I have to scroll to it. When I click it, it shoots back onto the slider bar.





ajctMultiHandleSliderExtender.ClientState = "0";

ajctMultiHandleSliderExtender.ClientState = "1,1000";

I haven t resolved the intial problem with the AJAX sliders but I used the Telerik sliders and they do not have this issue. Just FYI for any readers who stumble upon this.

Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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