English 中文(简体)
• 如何将力量分离到果园
原标题:How to separate String into chars
public static string kw;

public String parse(String keyword)
    this.keyword = keyword;
    char[] letters = keyword.ToCharArray();
    string g;

    long length = System.Convert.ToInt64(keyword.Length.ToString());
    for (int i = 0; i <= length-1; i++)
        kw = "/"+letters[i];
    return kw;

因此,如果关键词要说,“Hello”。 我想这样做是为了产出/h/e/l/o,但此时此刻,它的唯一产出就是最后的特性。



on = vs += and String vs StringBuilder


 kw = "/"+letters[i];

这是直截了当的转让,将超出以前的代号kw的价值。 或许请<代码>+=。 然而,此时,你们需要知道<代码>StringBuilder,以及为什么在 lo律中填写+=String

Related questions

On regular expressions

如果你重新学习正常的表达方式,你也可以这样做。 页: 1




   string keyword = "hello";

   foreach (char ch in keyword) {
      Console.Write("[" + ch + "]");
   // prints "[h][e][l][l][o]"

   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   for (int i = 0; i < keyword.Length; i++) {
      sb.Append("<" + keyword[i] + ">");
   // prints "<h><e><l><l><o>"

   Console.WriteLine(new Regex(@"(?=.)").Replace(keyword, @"/"));
   // prints "/h/e/l/l/o"

   Console.WriteLine(new Regex(@"(.)").Replace(keyword, @"($1$1)"));
   // prints "(hh)(ee)(ll)(ll)(oo)"


  • Unless you need explicit index, use foreach loop
  • When building a string in a loop, use StringBuilder
  • When properly used, regular expressions are great!





string someString = "abc";
string result = string.Join("/", (IEnumerable<char>)someString);


public String parse(String keyword)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword))
        return string.Empty;

    var retVal = (from v in keyword.ToArray()
                    select v.ToString())
                    .Aggregate((a, b) => a + "/" +b);

    return retVal;


public string Parse(string input)
    char[] arrResult = new char[input.Length*2];
    int i = 0;
    Array.ForEach<char>(input.ToCharArray(), delegate(char c)
                                                    arrResult[i++] =  / ;
                                                    arrResult[i++] = c;
    return new string(arrResult);

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