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Where are invoice credits stored within navision?
  • 时间:2010-06-22 14:55:55
  •  标签:
  • navision

I have access to the SQL database the Navision data is stored on, and I have some credit details from my client but I can t find them within $Sales Invoice Header - Have I just got inccorect details from client, or are the credits stored else where?

I can t see any obvious tables.




For anyone else who is stuggling with this, the credits are stored in;

[DB$Sales Cr_Memo Header] [DB$Sales Cr_Memo Line]


You should never really interact with the SQL tables directly as it bypasses all of NAV s business logic which is stored in the objects.

What does the number you have look like? INVX? PO? Can you post the number or a sample of it here? Then we can point you in the right direction to access the details within NAV.

Update (6/23) based on the comments below.

The invoice credits will probably be stored as Sales Invoice Lines associated with the Sales Invoice Header. The following SQL query should get you all the lines associated with the header:

  FROM [NAV].[dbo].[CompanyName$Sales Invoice Line]
 WHERE [Document No_] =  INVX-0000001 

Obviously change NAV to your DB name and CompanyName to the appropriate company name within NAV.

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Where are invoice credits stored within navision?

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