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原标题:wrong behaviour of m2crypto compared to openssl





 openssl smime -verify -in to_verify.txt -CAfile signer_pubkey.pem -out verified.txt

核实内容。 txt是“普通”多部分/签名第7页,可以附在签名上或没有签名。



import os
from M2Crypto import BIO, Rand, SMIME, X509
cert_dir =  /home/niphlod/certs 
doc_dir =  /home/niphlod/datastore 

signer = os.path.join(cert_dir,  signer_pubkey.pem )
letter = os.path.join(doc_dir, out_decrypt.txt )

# Instantiate an SMIME object.

# Load the signer s cert. 
x509 = X509.load_cert(signer)
sk = X509.X509_Stack()

# Load the signer s CA cert. They re all self-signed, hence the following
st = X509.X509_Store()

# Load the data, verify it.
p7, data = SMIME.smime_load_pkcs7(letter)
v = s.verify(p7)
print v
print data
print data.read()


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "m2crypto_verify.py", line 28, in <module>
    v = s.verify(p7)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/M2Crypto/SMIME.py", line 215, in verify
    blob = m2.pkcs7_verify0(p7, self.x509_stack._ptr(), self.x509_store._ptr(), flags)
M2Crypto.SMIME.PKCS7_Error: no content

开放式正读、提取和核实这些档案正确,但 m2加密如何报告没有内容?

BUMP: 没有人对此感兴趣?


I ve利用M2Cryp纽约总部 v0.17改变行文,围绕一个类似的问题开展工作:

 v= s.verify(p7)


 v = s.verify(p7,data)


    v = s.verify(p7,data)


这一职能涉及以下几个论点:M2Crypto doc。 http://www.openssl PKCS7_verification methodsdocument in OpenSSL s doc。 不幸的是,M2Crypto s tutorial含有错误的缺省值(至少在我的环境下为0.20.1)。


# Load the data
  p7, data = SMIME.smime_load_pkcs7( letter )
except SMIME.SMIME_Error, e:
  print  Error: could not load {file} because {error} .format(file=letter,error=e)

# Verify the data
  if data is not None:
    v = s.verify(p7, data)
    v = s.verify(p7)
  if v:
    print  Client signature verified 
except SMIME.SMIME_Error, e:
  print  Error: message verification failed %s  % e

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