I ve been writing tic-tac-toe in a variety of languages as an exercise, and one pattern that has emerged is that every representation I ve come up with for the defining valid winning rows has been disappointingly hard-coded. They ve generally fallen into two categories:
First, the board is represented as a one- or two-dimensional array, and rows are explicitly defined by triplets of positions (numbers are empty spaces):
board = [1, x, 3, 4, o, 6, 7, 8, x]
def match3(x,y,z)
board[x] == board[y] && board[y] == board[z]
def winner
match3(1,2,3) || match3(4,5,6) || ...
This has the advantage of non-magical explicitness, but it seems verbose.
The other approach is to use an array of arrays and map+reduce the rows. It s slightly better, but doesn t get me all the way:
board = [[nil, 1, nil], [nil, -1, nil], [nil, nil, 1]]
def diag(x,y,z)
[board[x/3,x%3], board[y/3,y%3], board[z/3,z%3]]
def winner
rows = board + board.transpose << diag(0,4,8) << diag(2,4,6)
rows.map { |r| r.reduce(:&) }.reduce { |m,c| m || c }
Vertical and horizontal matches are great, but I m still hardcoding the diagonals.
Can anyone think of a way to characterize the diagonals (or a wholly different approach) that doesn t rely on explicit addresses?
My pseudocode is Rubyish, but please feel free to post in any language you like. I saw the tic-tac-toe code golf, and while some of those solutions are ingenious (especially the magic squares!) I m looking for something a bit less obfuscating.