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splint failing on code that includes complex.h

I m trying to run splint on a C source that includes complex.h from the standard C library to support complex arithmetic.

Unfortunately, splint fails with the following error.

Splint 3.1.2 --- 03 May 2009

/usr/include/bits/cmathcalls.h:54:31: Parse Error: Non-function declaration: _Complex : extern double. (For help on parse errors, see splint -help parseerrors.) *** Cannot continue.

Googling for the problem resulted in only this message on the split-discuss mailing list (which remains unanswered).

Any ideas?


Here is a very simple example of a failing source:

#include <complex.h>

int main() {
  complex x = 2 + 8i;
  x = x + 1;

Attempts to redefine the unsupported _Complex C99 Keyword leads to an error with the imaginary part of the complex number (which isn t surprising I suppose).

lsc@deepthought:~$ splint-D_Complex=double temp.c  
Splint 3.1.2 --- 03 May 2009

 temp.c:4:20: Parse Error. (For help on
 parse errors, see splint -help
*** Cannot continue.

I eventually solved this by temporarily overriding complex.h with a dummy one when calling splint.

[lsc@home]$ ls /opt/qa_tools/utils/splint_includes/

[lsc@home]$ splint -I/opt/qa_tools/utils/splint_includes test.c
Splint 3.1.1 --- 15 Jun 2004

Finished checking --- no warnings

The dummy complex.h file suppresses the relevant keywords and replaces constants/functions with dummy ones. These keywords/constants/functions were gleaned from the specs

A copy of this file is available here: https://gist.github.com/1316366


I m not a splint user, so take the following with a grain of salt...

The _Complex keyword was added with C99, and the splint FAQ has this to say about C99 (http://www.splint.org/faq.html#quest15):

However, Splint doesn t yet support all C99 extensions so there are some legitimate C programs that will need to be modified.

I d guess that _Complex is covered by that caveat.

You might be able to work around splint s apparent lack of support for _Complex using a technique described in the FAQ (http://www.splint.org/faq.html#quest14), but I d be surprised if this got you very far with helping splint deal with C99 code using _Complex:

If you just want to ignore a keyword, you can add -Dnonstandardkeyword= to make the preprocessor eliminate the keyword, where nonstandardkeyword is the name of the keyword.

I was struggling to get splint to ignore headers and not finding suitable answers anywhere online. I finally used splint s built-in help, and discovered this:

#ifndef S_SPLINT_S


If you put this pair around code you want splint to ignore, it will ignore it! None of the other things work for system header files, at least that I ve found.

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