I am running R on a multiple node Linux cluster. I would like to run my analysis on R using scripts or batch mode without using parallel computing software such as MPI or snow.
I know this can be done by dividing the input data such that each node runs different parts of the data.
My question is how do I go about this exactly? I am not sure how I should code my scripts. An example would be very helpful!
I have been running my scripts so far using PBS but it only seems to run on one node as R is a single thread program. Hence, I need to figure out how to adjust my code so it distributes labor to all of the nodes.
Here is what I have been doing so far:
1) command line:
> qsub myjobs.pbs
2) myjobs.pbs:
> #!/bin/sh
> #PBS -l nodes=6:ppn=2
> #PBS -l walltime=00:05:00
> #PBS -l arch=x86_64
> pbsdsh -v $PBS_O_WORKDIR/myscript.sh
3) myscript.sh:
R CMD BATCH --no-save my_script.R
4) my_script.R:
> library(survival)
> ...
> write.table(test,"TESTER.csv",
> sep=",", row.names=F, quote=F)
Any suggestions will be appreciated! Thank you!