Looking for the following forms functionality with INFORMIX 4GL?, ISQL with ESQL/C?, PROGRESS-4GL?, ORACLE? etc?
I have a CRUD form which displays a customer[master] with all of their asociated transactions in record arrays[detail] on the same screen:
[id ]
[fullname ]
[address1 ]
[address2 ]
[city |st|zip ]
[trxnum][itemdesc ]
[trxnum][itemdesc ]
[trxnum][itemdesc ]
[trxnum][itemdesc ]
[trxnum][itemdesc ]
[trxnum][itemdesc ]
id = customer.pk_id = transaction.fk_id;
trxnum = transaction.trx_num = actions.trx_num;
customer master of transaction
transaction master of action
Desired functionality:
When I query and locate the correct customer[master], I want all of the transactions [detail] belonging to that customer to be automatically displayed. If there s more than 6 detail rows, I want the ability to scroll through all detail rows [in a scroll region] until I locate the appropiate transaction. Then I want to update that transaction by pressing enter or "U" for Update and the following action screen pops up in update mode:
[id ]
[fullname ]
[address1 ]
[address2 ]
[city |st|zip ]
[trxnum][itemdesc ]
[tdate ][ttime ] [a] [princ ][amt ][bal ][cl]
[tdate ][ttime ] [a] [princ ][amt ][bal ][cl]
[tdate ][ttime ] [a] [princ ][amt ][bal ][cl]
[tdate ][ttime ] [a] [princ ][amt ][bal ][cl]
[tdate ][ttime ] [a] [princ ][amt ][bal ][cl]
[tdate ][ttime ] [a] [princ ][amt ][bal ][cl]
again, this is a scroll region of previous actions [rows] related to a particular transaction. I want the cursor to automatically position itself on the next availbale open spot, letting tdate and ttime = default current and cursor stop on action tag a for clerk to enter desired action. I also want ability to perform calcs between previous actions [rows]. I m cleverly mimicking this in ISQL perform, but without record arrays browsing capabilities. (see video-demo [2min. mark] at: www.frankcomputer.com
I m willing to re-write this desired functionality with another non-INFORMIX dev tool if it has these capabilitites and not complicated or takes long to implement, but the logical option would be to re-write with I4GL, however I heard its cumbersome to deal with record arrays. Any better suggestions?