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Related Docker networks for apps in separate Ansible roles

Suppose I m using a webserver / reverse proxy (traefik, nginx, apache, etc.) for various apps. If the webserver and all the apps are in the same docker-compose.yml then it s easy to configure the network, e.g.:



    # ...
      - traefik-appfoo
      - traefik-appbar

    # ...
      - traefik-appfoo

    # ...
      - traefik-appbar

But that is a simplistic deployment. In reality I have an an ansible playbook with multiple roles:

 traefik/   # installs and configures traefik
 appfoo/    # installs and configures foo, which is reverse-proxied by traefik
 appbar/    # installs and configures bar, which is reverse-proxied by traefik
 appbaz/    # ...

Each role has its own docker-compose.yml. So I must somehow pass a network name from the app roles to the traefik role. The traefik role s docker-compose.yml would look like this:

  ?                         # <----------
  ?                         # <----------

    # ...
      - ?                   # <----------
      - ?                   # <----------

I don t want to hardcode networks in the traefik role: that is messy, hard to maintain, and roles would not be independent.

In the past when I did this, in each app role I had ansible fragments which were uploaded to some directory on the server, e.g. traefik/docker-compose.yml.d/. And every time I added a new app role, I d have to run a task to assemble the fragments into a complete docker-compose.yml for traefik. If I had to run the original traefik role, it was idempotent as it would reassemble the fragments properly. This approach works, but it s very hard to maintain.

Is there a simpler way to handle this scenario? The same problem would apply for any app with dependent apps (that are installed later, in separate roles).



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