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Creating a module with Orchard

The create a module walkthrough for Orchard doesn t work with the code in the Orchard Mercurial repository at the head of the default or dev branches. Anyone know how I can create a new Orchard module with something later than the 0.1 release from March?

It d be great if there was an updated sample module available in the source somewhere, but I can t see any apart from the builtin modules, which don t tie into the main menu and are all very complicated - a hello world one would be much better!

I realise Orchard s not officially released, yet, but I m trying to use it for a simple CMS for a new project I m just starting (hopefully I d be able to get it working with a later version of Orchard by release time).


Found it. There s a new configuration setting that lets you turn on and off modules. Modules are now disabled by default.

You can turn modules on in admin > features.


After 8 years we are using Orchard 1.10.x and one of the ways to create a module is via command line. Here are the steps:

  1. Navigate to the in folder of your orchard solution.
  2. In the address bar type cmd which will open a command line window
  3. In the cmd window type orchard, this will initialize Orchard Sessions
  4. Then type feature enable Orchard.CodeGeneration, this will enable Code Generation module since it is disabled by default
  5. Lastly enter codegen module LearnOrchard, this will create a new Module and places it in your ..srcOrchard.WebModules folder

You can get more information here

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