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EDI X12 版本4010 电文——非复合元素是否含有子元素分离特性?
原标题:EDI X12 version 4010 message - can non-composite elements contain sub-element separator character?

Version 4010 x12 messages support segments with composite elements (like REF04) which contain sub-elements that are separated by sub-element separators. Here is an example of a segment which uses ; [semicolon] as a segment separator, * as an element separator and : [colon] as a sub-element separator:

My question is this: If there is another segment in the message (for example N1) which is not a composite element and it happens to contain a sub-element separator, should the message be: a.) Accepted, which means the sub-element separator in N102 (see example) gets ignored and treated as a regular character that is part of the element data b.) Rejected, because sub-element separators can only appear inside composite elements, therefore it cannot be present in a N1 segment.

Example (with same separators as above - note that a colon appears in N102 as part of the data): N1*PE*TEST:PARTY ONE;



根据你描述的情况,我将拒绝交易。 这种做法违反了X12标准,可能会造成大多数电子数据交换笔译员或助手的错误。


Once specified in the interchange header, the delimiters are not to be used in a data element value elsewhere in the interchange.

假定这一交易是无限制的,贵贸易伙伴应当采取步骤,确保它们向您提供的任何数据都不包含与单元分离、子元素分离或部分确定者相同的特性。 如果子位分离器是殖民地,不能在其数据中避免殖民地,则应当使用另一个子位分离器。

作为一个优先事项,我将谨慎地利用半殖民地作为部分决定因素。 这是数据(例如地址、产品说明等)经常出现的特性。



摘自《人权促进机构章程》第4010 270/271号指南(着重号后加):

Users of this implementation guide should be aware that an application system may use some valid delimiter characters within the application data. Occurrences of delimiter characters in transmitted data within a data element can result in errors in translation programs. The existence of asterisks (*) within transmitted application data is a known issue that can affect translation software.translation software.

我从经验中知道,很难让贸易伙伴更新其ANSI生产应用程序,以便从实地数据中筛选划界员。 迫使他们这样做实际上是正确的行动方针。 如果他们不能或不愿意,那么你可能不得不在主译员面前安排某种程序前人员。

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