English 中文(简体)
原标题:Reentrant library design in C

请允许我说,Im 建造一个图书馆,在C区进行间歇。


static int quux_state;
static char* quux_address;

/* function to spork quuxes found in a file, 
   reads a line from the file each time it s called. */
void spork_quux(FILE*);





/* library handles all state data allocation */
static int* quux_state; 
static char** quux_address;


/* let each client store state */
typedef struct { int state; char* address; } QuuxState; 
QuuxState spork_quux(FILE*);





typedef struct QuuxState QuuxState;

QuuxState *spork_quux(FILE*);


struct QuuxState
    int state;
    char* address;

QuuxState *spork_quuxFILE *f)
    QuuxState *quuxState = calloc(1, sizeof(*quuxState));
    if (!quuxState)
        return NULL;

    quuxState->state = ....;


    return quuxState;


  1. you can change the contents of the struct without recompiling all client code
  2. the client code cannot access the members, ie. quuxState->state would give a compiler error
  3. the QuuxState structure will still be fully visible to the debugger, so you can see the values trivially and set watchpoints, etc.
  4. no casting necessary
  5. the type you re returning is a specific type, so you will get some compiler checking that the correct thing is being passed (compared to a void* pointer)



void QuuxSpork_readLine(QuuxState *state)

void QuuxSpork_destroy(QuuxState *state)



使用一种结构,但并不告诉客户它是一种障碍。 穿透视器——真空*,或更贴上空洞的 du点,必要时将其 back回。

图书馆大部分职能处理的方式是,在用户需要的任何数据类型中向用户提供国家信息。 就你而言,是个障碍。 (take strtok vs strtok_r). 我认为,这开创了一种先例,你应将它退回用户。 * 无效。 你们甚至可以打字,这样就能够看上去。

此外,通过编辑指挥线论点,鲁特克-鲁克(r)这样做,而不是把一个点退回到国家。 我期望任何重复性功能,即使用类似形式。 当然,我大脑被一些粗金刚cra的C法典打了。

void spork_quux(FILE*, QuuxState **);

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