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快速倡议 B. 目标和清单项目的重划
原标题:SwiftUI doesn t recognise ObservedObject changes and redraw the list items
The bounty expires in 6 days. Answers to this question are eligible for a +50 reputation bounty. ajw is looking for an answer from a reputable source.

我有一个观测主题,从科索沃母亲运动的观点模式得到更新,并受快速倡议清单的约束。 这里的<代码> 序号是独一无二的。

struct MyView: View {
      private let viewModel: MyViewModel = MyViewModel()

      @ObservedObject private var state: ObservableViewModel<MyViewModel.State>

      init() {
           state = viewModel.observableState()
           viewModel.onStateChange(callback: { state in
               self.state.value = state
      var body: some View {
          NavigationStack {
              List(state.value.items, id: .serial) { device in
                 Item(device: device)

extension MyViewModel {
    func observableState() -> ObservableViewModel<MyViewModel.State> {
        return (stateFlow.value_ as! MyViewModel.State).wrapAsObservable()
class ObservableViewModel<T>: ObservableObject {
      @Published var value: T
      init(value: T) {
           self.value = value



    data class State(
        val items: List<Item> = arrayListOf(),
        val name: String = ""
    ) : ViewState
    data class Item(
        val name: String = "",
        val serial: String = ""

    val state = _state.asStateFlow()

    val stateFlow = state.stateIn(GlobalScope, SharingStarted.Eagerly, initialState)

    fun onStateChange(callback: (State) -> Unit) {
        CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main).launch {
            stateFlow.collect {

It seems SwiftUI doesn t identify the changes to the objects and redraw relevant views. What is the best way to handle this?

不容置疑的是,它总是发生,而只是在我经常得到更新的时候。 在其他时候,它与往常一样,毫无问题地运作和更新了《国际调查》。 添加或删除新物品的,也处以罚款。



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