Hello I want to create a struct that returns Text, the text that it should return should detect wether a link is nested inside the text and if so open it when the text is tapped, I also want the specific link inside the text to be colored in blue while the rest of the text is default to the color Scheme. I got the detection working and the link to open on tap, but I can t get the link to be colored blue and I am getting the error "Value of type URL has no member startIndex ". I don t think the foreground modifier is allowed like this. Id appreciate the help if anyone knows how to get this behavior to work
import Foundation
import UIKit
import SwiftUI
func coloredText(text: String) -> some View {
let detector = try? NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType.link.rawValue)
let matches = detector?.matches(in: text, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: text.utf16.count))
guard let url = matches?.first?.url else {
return Text(text)
return VStack {
.foregroundColor(.blue, range: NSRange(url.startIndex..<url.endIndex, in: text))
.onTapGesture {
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {