English 中文(简体)
从位于Adhur的1 txt档案中开发一个LQite3数据库
原标题:Populating a SQLite3 database from a .txt file with Python

我正试图在django建立一个网站,使用户能够向一个数据库提出询问,其中包含他们在欧洲议会的代表情况。 我的数据是按ma顺序排列的。

议会,名称,国家,缔约方——团体,国家 缔约方,职位

7 Marta Andreasen,联合王国,欧洲自由与民主团体,联合王国独立党,成员


我想用这一数据充实一个KQite3数据库,但迄今为止,我发现的所有辅导员都只表明如何以手方式做到这一点。 自2006年以来 我在档案中确实想这样做。




签署:models.py 看起来如此:

class Representative(models.Model):
    parliament = models.CharField(max_length=128)
    name = models.CharField(max_length=128)
    country = models.CharField(max_length=128)
    party_group = models.CharField(max_length=128)
    national_party = models.CharField(max_length=128)
    position = models.CharField(max_length=128)

然后可以管理<代码>python。 ll/条码:

import csv
from your_app.models import Representative
# If you re using different field names, change this list accordingly.
# The order must also match the column order in the CSV file.
fields = [ parliament ,  name ,  country ,  party_group ,  national_party ,  position ]
for row in csv.reader(open( your_file.csv )):
    Representative.objects.create(**dict(zip(fields, row)))


<>Addendum (edit)

Per Thomas s request, here s an Interpretation of what **dict(zip(fields,row)):

最初,<代码>fields 载有我们界定的外地名称清单,row载有一份价值清单,该清单代表了CSV档案中的目前行文。

fields = [ parliament ,  name ,  country , ...]
row = [ 7 ,  Marta Andreasen ,  United Kingdom , ...]

>>> zip(fields, row)
[( parliament ,  7 ), ( name ,  Marta Andreasen ), ( country ,  United Kingdom ), ...]


>>> dict(zip(fields, row))
{ parliament :  7 ,  name :  Marta Andreasen ,  country :  United Kingdom , ...}

<代码>**>是将字典转换成功能的关键词表的一种方式。 www.un.org/spanish/ga/president 例如,电话create (**dict(zip(field, row)))相当于:

create(parliament= 7 , name= Marta Andreasen , country= United Kingdom , ...)



As Siggy F 说,与Joschua相比,只有稍有不同:

1. 创建文本档案,备有您的图表,例如:

CREATE TABLE politicians (
    Parliament text, 
    Name text, 
    Country text, 
    Party_Group text, 
    National_Party text, 
    Position text


>>> import csv, sqlite3
>>> conn = sqlite3.connect( my.db )
>>> c = conn.cursor()
>>> with open( myschema.sql ) as f:            # read in schema file 
...   schema = f.read()
>>> c.execute(schema)                          # create table per schema 
<sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x1392f50>
>>> conn.commit()                              # commit table creation


>>> csv_reader = csv.reader(open( myfile.txt ), skipinitialspace=True)
>>> csv_reader.next()                          # skip the first line in the file
[ Parliament ,  Name ,  Country , ...

# put all data in a tuple
# edit: decoding from utf-8 file to unicode
>>> to_db = tuple([i.decode( utf-8 ) for i in line] for line in csv_reader)
>>> to_db                                      # this will be inserted into table
[(u 7 , u Marta Andreasen , u United Kingdom , ...


>>> c.executemany("INSERT INTO politicians VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?);", to_db)
<sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x1392f50>
>>> conn.commit()

2. 证明所有内容都符合预期:

>>> c.execute( SELECT * FROM politicians ).fetchall()
[(u 7 , u Marta Andreasen , u United Kingdom , ...

And since you ve decoded (to unicode) on input, you need to be sure to encode on output.
For example:

with open( encoded_output.txt ,  w ) as f:
  for row in c.execute( SELECT * FROM politicians ).fetchall():
    for col in row:
      f.write(col.encode( utf-8 ))




zip (list1, list2) => [(list1 [0], list2[0], (list1 ***, list2], ......]


创建职能需要关键词。 您可以使用** 左右的字典,将该词句变成关键词。

创造(**)名称:john , 年龄:5} => 创造(姓名=john , 年龄=5)


# Open database (will be created if not exists)
conn = sqlite3.connect( /path/to/your_file.db )

c = conn.cursor()

# Create table
c.execute(   create table representatives
(parliament text, name text, country text, party_group text, national_party text, position text)   )

f = open("thefile.txt")
for i in f.readlines():
    # Insert a row of data
    c.execute("""insert into representatives
                 values (?,?,?,?,?,?)""", *i.split(", ")) # *i.split(", ") does unpack the list as arguments

# Save (commit) the changes

# We can also close the cursor if we are done with it


$ sqlite3 db.sqlite3
sqlite> .separator ","
sqlite> .import myfile.txt table_name


  1. The .txt file should be in the same directory as your db.sqlite3,
    otherwise use an absolute path "/path/myfile.txt" when importing
  2. Your schema for tables (number of columns) should match with the number of values seperated by commas in each row in the txt file

页: 1 页: 1

SQLite version 3.23.1 2018-04-10 17:39:29
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .tables
auth_group                  table_name               
auth_group_permissions      django_admin_log          
auth_permission             django_content_type       
auth_user                   django_migrations         
auth_user_groups            django_session            

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