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CTE 加入
原标题:CTE With Insert In Oracle

i am running a query in oracle with CTE. When i execute the query it works fine in select statement but when i use insert statement it takes ample of time to execute.Any help here is the code

INSERT INTO port_weeklydailypricesTest (co_code,start_dtm,end_dtm)
            WITH CTE(co_code, start_dtm, end_dtm) AS
                SELECT co_code                                                     ,
                CAST(NEXT_DAY(MIN(dlyprice_date), FRIDAY )-6  AS DATE)   start_dtm ,
                CAST(NEXT_DAY(MIN(dlyprice_date), FRIDAY ) AS DATE)      end_dtm
                FROM   feed_dlyprice
                GROUP BY co_code
                UNION ALL
                SELECT  co_code     ,
                CAST(TO_CHAR(end_dtm + INTERVAL  1  DAY, DD-MON-YYYY ) AS DATE),
                CAST(TO_CHAR(end_dtm + INTERVAL  7  DAY, DD-MON-YYYY ) AS DATE)
                FROM    CTE
                WHERE   CAST(end_dtm AS DATE) <= TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(SYSDATE+1, DD-MON-YYYY ))
            SELECT co_code,start_dtm,end_dtm 
            FROM CTE



  • The most likely is the presence of a trigger on the target table which executes something very expensive.
  • Another possibility is that the insert is waiting on a locked resource (say some other process has an exclusive table level lock on the target table, or some other shared resource such as a code control table).
  • it could be a storage allocation issue, chaining or row migration, too many indexes or lots of derived columns.
  • perhaps it is down to hardware - underpowered network, dodgy interconnects, a bad disk.

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