English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to format the datatable in C#?
  • 时间:2010-07-21 04:05:30
  •  标签:
  • c#


 User       Unit      Score
 kiran      testing     2
 kiran      demo        1
 kiran      TRacking    3.5
 manu       1234       .5
 manu        1567       3.5
 Priya       1689       9
 Tom         1567       2
 Tom         3454       5
 Peter       testing    2
 Peter       demo       2.5


   User       Svc     VSS
   kiran      6.5
   manu               4.0
   Priya      9.0
   Tom                7.0
   Peter      4.5

我需要对用户单位进行检查,因为我需要总结记分。 如果该单位包含插图,这些记分值应进入一个称为vc的新数据表栏。

如果该单位有, 然后,这些记分值应归入一个称为“v”的新栏。


       User       Svc     VSS
       kiran      6.5
       manu               4.0
       Priya      9.0
       Tom                7.0
       Peter      4.5




public class SvcVssRecord
    public SvcVssRecord(double svc, double vss)
        Svc = svc;
        Vss = vss;

    public double Svc { get; set; }
    public double Vss { get; set; }

public class Builder
    private readonly Dictionary<string, SvcVssRecord> _records;

    public Builder()
        _records = new Dictionary<string, SvcVssRecord>();

    public void Add(string user, string unit, double score)
        int result;
        bool scoreIsSvc = !int.TryParse(unit, out result);

        if (!_records.ContainsKey(user))
            _records.Add(user, new SvcVssRecord(scoreIsSvc ? score : 0, scoreIsSvc ? 0 : score));
            if (scoreIsSvc)
                _records[user].Svc += score;
                _records[user].Vss += score;


    public DataTable ToDataTable()
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("User"));
        dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Svc"));
        dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Vss"));

        foreach(var key in _records.Keys)
            DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
            dr["User"] = key;
            dr["Svc"] = _records[key].Svc;
            dr["Vss"] = _records[key].Vss;

        return dt;

public class Run
    public void RunApp(DataTable source)
        Builder b = new Builder();

        foreach (DataRow dr in source.Rows)
            b.Add((string) dr["User"], (string) dr["Unit"], (double) dr["Score"]);

        DataTable dt = b.ToDataTable();


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