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原标题:Best primary key format for large table

I m 开发一个具有某些潜在较大数据表的蚊帐应用。 我愿知道,确定首要钥匙的最佳方式是什么。 我知道以前曾提出过这个问题,但由于情况特殊,我认为这个问题是有效的。



  1. There is a real possibility that over time the number of records will exceed the 32 bit boundary, so an auto-increment integer will not be possible.
  2. There is no possibility to define a primary key on a combination of other columns in the table.
  3. For data synchronization reasons, an application-generated id would be preferable over a database-generated id. Also, in EF it would mean an extra roundtrip to the database to retrieve the newly generated id.
  4. For insert performance, a sequential key would be preferable.
  5. I consider the space requirements for a (sequential) guid a downside.
  6. For string id s, case insensitivity would be preferable.

我迄今亲眼看到的是一种习俗算法,它产生一个白天部分和随机部分,变成了六dec代代表。 这使我留下的体力略低于指导。 我仍可以将其改为64,但这将涉及项目6。



您可考虑将贵钥匙储存为BIGINT(8 byte integer)。




  • Consider the binary data type of size 5 or 6 bytes.
  • Do not overlook the benefits of partitioned tables especially for large tables.
  • Keep the remaining columns as small as possible. Sometimes the star schema can help with this.

不幸的是,你不能把双元数据识别栏列。 但您可使用<代码>max(Id)+1插入战略。 我不是这样熟悉的。 NET是实体框架,但应当有办法在同一次访问中检索钥匙。 我过去看到了文件,解释如何绘制实体的地图,以储存程序,并从中提取钥匙,但我没有任何具体内容。


  • it is a surrogate key
  • it is application generated, so no need to retrieve a database generated id after inserts
  • it is sequential and will work well with clustered indexes
  • if you may overflow 32 bit keys you will probably have to use 64 bit keys anyway (besides you manage to create and use 48 bit keys or something like that) - then 128 bit GUIDs only require twice the space
  • string surrogate keys are somewhat unnatural to me and I can see no benifit over GUID keys

Anyone feel like passing it forward?

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