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Zend View 助老会问题
原标题:Zend View Helper strange issue

我一直在就当地东道方(SOS:Snow Leopard)开展一个冷静的框架项目,当我把文件上载到主机(共用主机)时,我就使用该台的电击机提出一些错误。

More specifically:
The project structure is like this: ( i ommited some irrelevant subfolders and the numbers in the paranthesis is just for reference in here, it is not included in the folder name in the project)


在助手中(1) 具有观望助手,BasURL.php:

class Zend_View_Helper_BaseURL
    function baseURL()
        $fc = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
        return $fc->getBaseUrl();

例如,在布局中,我用它来书写像CSS档案、JS文件这样的 st路。

<script src="<?php echo $this->baseURL();?>/public/js/somejavascript.js></script>

And usually i use it when i need the base url (not only in layouts,also in views). I have been using the same helper in the default module of the application and in the admin module (modules/admin/...). Localy, everything went ok, no issues. When i uploaded the project, i got errors like:

An error occurred
Application error
Exception information:

Message: Plugin by name  BaseURL  was not found in the registry; used paths: Cmsadmin_View_Helper_: /path_to_site_like_public_html/application/modules/cmsadmin/views/helpers/ Zend_View_Helper_: Zend/View/Helper/


At first i thought maybe because the helper is declared in another module (the default module), its not found by the framework in the admin module. But why locally everything works ? I dont get it. Also, if i change $this->baseURL() to $this->baseUrl() in the same admin.phtml layout file, in the admin module, everything works (online and locally).


P.S.:由于我的头目尚不明确,也许有人可以告诉我: a 可在网站的所有模块中公布单元中的助手? (地方发展告诉我,自当地工作以来,当地情况是,上载项目有什么错误?)




(a) 支付费用;

keeping the parameter null may fix the problem. you will get the baseurl in layout and also in default.php.

页: 1 Cmsadmin_View_Helper_,而不是Zend_View_Helper_,如错误信息所示。 错误信息表明它为各种预设办法所走的道路。


<script src="<?php echo $this->baseURL();?>/public/js/somejavascript.js></script>

<script src="<?php echo $this->baseUrl();?>/public/js/somejavascript.js></script>

not:- Always use $this->baseUrl(); its case sensitive

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