public class Recipe {
public int RecipeID {get;set;} // PK
public string name {get;set;}
public IList<RecipeStep> RecipeSteps {get;set;}
public class RecipeStep {
public int RecipeID {get;set;} // PK
public int RecipeStepID {get;set;} // PK
public string name {get;set;}
public IList<Ingredient> {get;set;}
public class Ingredient {
public int RecipeID {get;set;} // PK
public int RecipeStepID {get;set;} // PK
public int IngredientID {get;set;} // PK
public string name {get;set;}
因此,我如何确定收款人。 RecipeStep.Ingredient.name given that RecipeID = 2, RecipeStepID = 14, and IngredientID = 5 ( which are the Value of the int, not the index). 希望能有一些直接的办法,在没有住所的情况下提及这些物品。 Linq 言论是罚款。 (当我尝试Linq时,我最后修改了价值的副本,而不是价值本身。) LOL。