English 中文(简体)
I want to login everytime with new user but Cy.session recreate session with same user again

I Have pageObject Login File in which I am creating a session while login

        cy.session( sessionId , () => {
            cy.visit( / );
            cy.url().should( contain ,  /inventory.html );    
            validate: () => {
              cy.url().should( contain ,  /inventory.html );

I have stored username and passwords in cypress.config file in form of objects

env : {
      users : {
        standard : {

          username : "standard_user",
          password : "secret_sauce"

        lockedout : {

          username : "locked_out_user",
          password : "secret_sauce"

        problem : {

          username : "problem_user",
          password : "secret_sauce"

        glitch : {

          username : "performance_glitch_user",
          password : "secret_sauce"


I am calling this page object login function for different username but Cy.session recreates session with same username for evry test

describe( All users , () => {

    const login_page = new LoginPage();

    const users = Cypress.env("users");

    Cypress._.each(users,(user) =>{

        it( work for the user  , () => {




Please guide me how can i login everytime with a new user.


If you take a look at the examples there s an option to base the session id on the incoming parameters.

So instead of

cy.session( sessionId , () => {


cy.session([username, password], () => {

will provide a unique session id for each combination of username and password.

You could also use cy.session(username, () => { but including the password allows you to run tests for same user but with both valid and invalid passwords.

Each session data is stored separately for each login.

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