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Select/copy hover text in R plotly graph

I would like to be able to select and copy the hover text in plotly graphs. Is that possible with the R API? For example, in this heatmap, upon mousing over coordinates (X=a, Y=d), one can see the hover text displaying:




However, the text is not selectable. The goal would be to e.g. display this text inside a box (perhaps by right-clicking on the corresponding cell) to be able to copy the text contents into the clipboard. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


To select/copy the hover text, use event_data() (as royr2 said)

Here is a toy example as a demonstration, copied from andyblueyo s gist, with light editing from me, to get it working without a csv:


## Read the data set about ice cream
ice_cream_df <- tibble(
  flavors = c("guava sorbet", "ube", "chocolate", "strawberry", "mint chocolate chip", "honey lavender", "cookie dough", "peach", "cake batter"),
  images = c("http://image1.jdomni.in/product/B2/7D/07/Pink-Guava-Ice-cream_1497001650402_450X450.jpeg", "http://i.pinimg.com/originals/39/b0/00/39b0008a59c93aea26bcb8f44273cc6d.jpg", "http://www.brighteyedbaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Chocolate-Ice-Cream.jpg", "http://a9lumux160-flywheel.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Strawberry-Ice-Cream-1-800x1200.jpg", "http://d1wv4dwa0ti2j0.cloudfront.net/live/img/production/detail/ice-cream/cartons_rich-creamy_mint-chocolate-chip.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ER9lTN0wb94/TEnLThTP48I/AAAAAAAAA6c/OUhS4vOtTJw/s640/lavender+ice+cream-1.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Ip-XxFqrjrk/Vh6E7j6oS_I/AAAAAAAAaeo/9jEmP0Y7x3E/s1600/Chocolate-Chip-Pumpkin-Cookie-Dough-Ice-Cream-1.jpg", "http://www.browniebites.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/honeyed-peach-and-praline-ice-cream-recipe-01.jpg", "http://img.sndimg.com/food/image/upload/w_555,h_416,c_fit,fl_progressive,q_95/v1/img/recipes/12/89/52/f15xnUJJQc2kJB0O1v6o_birthday-cake-ice-cream-7207.jpg"),
  prices = c(5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 4, 3, 3),
  scoops = c(4, 10, 5, 6, 3, 4, 8, 7, 5),
  rating = c(5, 4, 3, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3, 2),

## Create the shiny UI layout
ui <- fluidPage(
  headerPanel("Price per Scoops"),
    sliderInput("priceRange", label = h3("Price Range"), min = 0, 
                max = 10, value = c(2, 8))
    h4("Click on the dots to learn more about the ice cream flavor."),
    h4("Use the lasso/box select to learn more about the ratings of each ice cream flavor."),

## Create the Shiny Server layout
server <- function(input, output) {
  ## Create the plotly plot that compares price vs scoops
  output$icePlot <- renderPlotly({
    range.ice.cream <- ice_cream_df %>% 
    filter(prices >= input$priceRange[1]) %>% 
    filter(prices <= input$priceRange[2])
            x = ~prices, y = ~scoops, 
            type = "scatter", mode = "markers",
            text = ~paste("Flavor:", flavors), 
            key = ~images, 
            source = "imgLink") %>% 
            layout(title = paste("Ice Cream Price vs Scoops Given")) 
  ## Create text paragraph of info on a selected point
  output$imageLink <- renderText({
    event.data <- event_data(event = "plotly_click", source = "imgLink")
    if (is.null(event.data)) {
      print("Click to see the link of the point.")
    } else { 
      ice.cream <- ice_cream_df %>% filter(images == event.data$key)
      HTML( <p>Flavor: ,ice.cream$flavors, 
           </p> , <p>X Value: , event.data[["x"]], 
           </p> , <p>Y Value: , event.data[["y"]], </p> ,
            <a href=" , ice.cream$images, "> , 
           ice.cream$images, </a> , <p> ,
            <img src=" ,ice.cream$images,  "/> , </p> )
  ## Create the plotly plot of price vs rating based on selection
  output$ratingPlot <- renderPlotly({
    event.data <- event_data(event = "plotly_selected", source = "imgLink")
    if (is.null(event.data)) {
      print("Click and drag events (i.e., select/lasso) to make the bar plot appear here")
      plot_ly(ice_cream_df, x = ~flavors, y = ~rating, type = "bar",
              text = ~paste("Flavor:", flavors)) %>%
              layout(title = paste("Ice Cream Ratings Given by Flavor"))
    } else {
      ice.cream <- ice_cream_df[ice_cream_df$images %in% event.data$key,]
      plot_ly(ice.cream, x = ~flavors, y = ~rating, type = "bar",
              text = ~paste("Flavor:", flavors), key = ~images, source = "imgLink") %>%
              layout(title = paste("Ice Cream Ratings Given by Flavor"))

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

It doesn t appear to be possible to directly select and copy text in the hover area, sadly, so this indirect method will have to do. Anyway, hope it helps!

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