I opened a bug report with Apple: https://bugreport.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/RadarWeb.woa/19/wo/WBbbbyopNFW8FFUuNSbk0w/10.66
Please let me know if you can t access it.
Summary: XCode debugger is not releasing bootstrap server port
Steps to Reproduce:
While debugging an iPhone iOS5 app in the simulator in Xcode 4.2 Build 4D5163b on Lion 10.7.2, a crash can sometimes result in being unable to start the bugger. Instead, Xcode produces this error:
Couldn t register com.MyApp.MyApp with the bootstrap server.
Error: unknown error code. This generally means that another instance
of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger.Program
received signal: “SIGABRT”.
Expected Results:
Should be able to start debugger after a crash.
Actual Results:
Cannot start debugger. The only way I ve discovered to make the simulator work again is to restart Mac OS.
Lots of people are having this problem:
iPhone - strange error when testing on simulator
Couldn t register with the bootstrap Server
Bootstrap Server Error in Xcode IPHONE
Quitting XCode and the Simulator (& ensuring ps -Al | egrep "Xcode|Simulator" returns nothing) does not help the problem.
Running "launchtl bslist | grep MyApp" reveals that com.MyApp is still registered with the bootstrap server:
$ launchctl bslist | grep MyApp
A com.MyApp.MyApp.UIKit.migserver
A com.MyApp.MyApp
I wrote some code to find the port and invalidate it, but this too fails:
NSMachBootstrapServer *bsserver = [NSMachBootstrapServer sharedInstance];
NSMachPort *port = (NSMachPort *)[bsserver portForName:@"com.MyApp.MyApp"];
[port removeFromRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:<#(NSString *)#>
NSLog(@"port = %@",port);
NSLog(@"port.isValid=%d",[port isValid]);
[port invalidate];
NSLog(@"port.isValid=%d",[port isValid]);