English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to get the class that created the current object?
  • 时间:2010-08-02 09:53:56
  •  标签:
  • php
  • class
  • oop

我想防止 f( f)由除B以外的任何其他类别人员执行。 我如何检查哪类制造物体A?

class A
    public function foo()
        if (.... B )    // what should be on the dotts?
           echo  I m created by class B, which is fine ;
           echo  Execution of foo() is not allowed ;

class B
    public function go()
        $a = new A;

class C
    public function go()
        $a = new A;

$b = new B;
$b->go();  // result: I m created by class B, which is fine

$c = New C;
$c->go();  // result:  Execution of foo() is not allowed 

Declare foo, 载于B, 改成“私人”和“任择”形式。 为什么要在<代码>中界定 A 仅可通过查询的方法 B

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