Below is an example of my tests. This test does not fail but others do despite them being very similar. Would anyone be able to advise if I integrating Redis properly? I am using it to store tokens, nothing else. But I m not sure if the connection pool is being properly ran.
Note: I skipped writing the imports in most cases to limit amount of code to view. At the bottom are my tests and the fail ones. I can post the failing endpoints but nothing crazy is happening there - get_redis
function is used similarly to the endpoint below (logout
from fastapi import FastAPI
from import products, users, cart, orders
from import create_database_connection
from import create_redis_connection
app = FastAPI()
app.include_router(users.router, prefix="/users")
async def startup_event():
app.state.client, app.state.db = create_database_connection()
app.state.redis_pool = await create_redis_connection()
async def shutdown_event():
await app.state.redis_pool.close()
import aioredis
from fastapi import Request
from import settings
async def create_redis_connection():
redis_pool = await aioredis.from_url(settings.redis_url)
return redis_pool
async def get_redis(r: Request):
router = APIRouter()"/logout")
async def logout(
access_token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme),
refresh_token: str = Body(..., embed=True),
# Delete access token from Redis pool
deleted_access_token = await redis_pool.delete(access_token)
# Delete refresh token from Redis pool
deleted_refresh_token = await redis_pool.delete(refresh_token)
# If neither token was found in the Redis pool, raise an exception
if not deleted_access_token and not deleted_refresh_token:
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Invalid access or refresh token")
return {"detail": "Successfully logged out"}
def anyio_backend() -> str: # disable trio
return "asyncio"
async def app_with_db():
await app.router.startup()
await app.router.shutdown()
async def test_user(app_with_db): # create/manage test user
async with AsyncClient(app=app, base_url="http://test") as ac:
# Use the current time to ensure uniqueness, convert it to bytes and hash it using SHA-1
unique_hash = hashlib.sha1(str(time.time()).encode()).hexdigest() # used for test email
# Prepare the test user data
new_user = {
"email": f"pytestuser-{unique_hash[:20]}",
"password": "Test@1234",
"confirm_password": "Test@1234"
# Send a POST request to the /users/register endpoint
response = await"/users/register", json=new_user)
assert response.status_code == 200
# Find user ID by EMAIL
db = app.state.db
user_in_db = await db.users.find_one({"email": new_user["email"]})
# Assert that the user was found and the email matches
assert user_in_db is not None
assert user_in_db["email"] == new_user["email"]
# Define test user login dict
test_user_credentials = {
"username" : user_in_db["email"], # OAuth expects "username", not "email"
"password" : new_user["password"]
yield test_user_credentials
# Clean DB from test data
await db.users.delete_one({"_id": ObjectId(user_in_db["_id"])})
async def test_login_and_logout(app_with_db, test_user):
async with AsyncClient(app=app, base_url="http://test") as ac:
# Send a POST request to the /token endpoint
response = await"/users/token", data=test_user)
# Assert that the response status code is 200
assert response.status_code == 200
# Assert the returned token data
token_data = response.json()
assert "access_token" in token_data
assert "refresh_token" in token_data
assert token_data["token_type"] == "bearer"
# Logout
response = await"/users/logout", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {token_data[ access_token ]}"}, json={"refresh_token": token_data[ refresh_token ]})
assert response.status_code == 200
detail = response.json()
assert detail["detail"] == "Successfully logged out"
backend/tests/api/v1/ PASSED
backend/tests/api/v1/ PASSED
backend/tests/api/v1/ ERROR
backend/tests/api/v1/ PASSED
backend/tests/api/v1/ PASSED
backend/tests/api/v1/ PASSED
backend/tests/api/v1/ PASSED
backend/tests/api/v1/ FAILED
backend/tests/api/v1/ FAILED
backend/tests/api/v1/ PASSED
====================================================== ERRORS ======================================================
_______________________________________ ERROR at setup of test_refresh_token _______________________________________
anyio_backend = asyncio , args = (), kwargs = { app_with_db : None}, backend_name = asyncio , backend_options = {}
runner = <anyio._backends._asyncio.TestRunner object at 0x7f17708ded70>
def wrapper(*args, anyio_backend, **kwargs): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
backend_name, backend_options = extract_backend_and_options(anyio_backend)
if has_backend_arg:
kwargs["anyio_backend"] = anyio_backend
with get_runner(backend_name, backend_options) as runner:
if isasyncgenfunction(func):
> yield from runner.run_asyncgen_fixture(func, kwargs)
============================================= short test summary info ==============================================
FAILED backend/tests/api/v1/ - RuntimeError: Event loop is closed
FAILED backend/tests/api/v1/ - RuntimeError: Event loop is closed
ERROR backend/tests/api/v1/ - RuntimeError: Event loop is closed
======================================= 2 failed, 7 passed, 1 error in 2.32s =======================================