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IN SSRS, 有办法可拆解造rdl.data文档
原标题:IN SSRS, is there a way to disable the rdl.data file creation

在SSRS,我注意到,数据藏匿档案存放在我的杰夫机器上。 这些档案是否还存放在《报告》服务器上? 如果是,是否有办法避免在服务器上建立这些档案?


rdl. 数据文档是在服务器上创建的,纯粹是为了在开发过程中加快报告执行时间,而当时你在分散布局的同时,一再以同样的参数管理报告。







C:Program files (x86)Microsoftosphere 9,0Common7IDEPrivateAssembliesRS ReportDesigner.


Source Link http://blog.summitcloud.com/2010/05/disable-reporting-services-data-cache-in-development/

PowerShell to the Relief, Justidden it - Add a Power 5. 壳牌计划解决你的报告,并把它作为建设组合的启动项目:

$path = "../*.rdl.data"

$rdlDataFiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Force -Path "$path";

Write-Output "$path"

$rdlDataFiles | ForEach-Object {
  Write-Output "Hiding *.rdl.data file $_"

  $_.Attributes = $_.Attributes -bor (([System.IO.FileAttributes]::Hidden))

  # Next line isn t required per say, but just a guard.
  $_.Attributes = $_.Attributes -bor (-bnot([System.IO.FileAttributes]::ReadOnly))

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