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关于Sending Greatr files Over Duncan s TCPServer的问题
原标题:Problems With Sending Larger Files Over Ruby s TCPServer


发放了5.2种甲基溴文档。 发放30.33份甲基溴文档,但需要很长时间(Like 15分钟左右)。 在发送38.5份甲基溴文档时,该服务器接收了该文档,但随后投下了错误:msconvert_server.rb:20:in written : Invalid front - 177raw (Errno:EINVAL)(179.raw being the name of the file)。

我对发生这种情况的原因感到悲痛。 。 这个论坛“似乎有答案,虽然它的确加快了发送和接收时间,也进入了第20条线,但它在另一个时候失败了。 我并不认为,TCP具有任何档案规模的限制,这促使我相信问题在于《鲁比法典》。 是否有任何人看到这一问题,或对可能在此发生的事情有想法?



require  socket 

server = TCPServer.open(2000)
loop {
  client = server.accept

  filename = client.gets.chomp

  puts "Reading contents of #{filename}.raw"
  raw_data = client.gets("



  (Line 20, where error occurs) File.open(filename + ".raw",  wb ) {|out| out.print raw_data}

  puts "Converting #{filename}"

  #It s lame to have a script run a script, but it s the only way to get this to work.
  system "scriptit.bat " + filename + ".raw"

  puts "Sending contents of #{filename}.mzML"
  client.print IO.read(filename + ".mzML")
  client.print "

  puts "Done"


    host = config_value("//Host/@ip")
    port = 2000

    client = TCPSocket.open(host, port)

    fileName = @file.split("/")[-1].chomp(File.extname(@file))

    puts "Sending raw file"
    client.puts fileName
    client.print(File.open("#{@file}", "rb") {|io| io.read})

")  #This is the delimiter for the server

    puts "Receiving mzML file"
    File.open("#{$path}../data/spectra/#{fileName}.mzML",  wb ) {|io| io.print client.gets("


我找到了解决这一问题的办法。 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3313235/ Increasing-the-loading-speed-of-large-files” 此前的问题,我修改了该守则:

Server: require socket

server = TCPServer.open(2000)
loop {
  client = server.accept

  filename = client.gets.chomp

  puts "Reading contents of #{filename}.raw"
  raw_data = client.gets("


  file = File.open(filename + ".raw",  wb )
  file.print raw_data

  puts "Converting #{filename}"
  #It s lame to have a script run a script, but it s the only way to get this to work.
  system "scriptit.bat " + filename + ".raw"

  puts "Sending contents of #{filename}.mzML"
  data = IO.read(filename + ".mzML")
  client.print data
  client.print "


  puts "Done"


host = config_value("//Host/@ip")
port = 2000

client = TCPSocket.open(host, port)

fileName = @file.split("/")[-1].chomp(File.extname(@file))

puts "Sending raw file"
client.puts fileName
data = IO.read("#{@file}")
client.print data
client.print "

"  #This is the delimiter for the server

puts "Receiving mzML file"
file = File.open("#{$path}../data/spectra/#{fileName}.mzML",  wb )
data = client.gets("

file.print data





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