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Intel Vtune on amd processors

I ve installed Intel Vtune Analyzer 9 to get call-graph and counter-monitor data from a win32 application on a Windows 7 PC with AMD Turion X2 TL-58 processor but it gives an error saying :"The CPU architecture can t be identified properly, data collection is not available". Is there a similar tool for AMD platforms?


AMD uProf is the profiler for AMD processors. It can be downloaded from here.

AMD CodeAnalyst Performance Analyzer does similar things for AMD.

You can find it at this link. It is not as full featured but seems to get the performance counters data you are looking for.

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Intel Vtune on amd processors

I ve installed Intel Vtune Analyzer 9 to get call-graph and counter-monitor data from a win32 application on a Windows 7 PC with AMD Turion X2 TL-58 processor but it gives an error saying :"The CPU ...

programmatically disable hardware prefetching on AMD systems

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