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j QueryLinked Selectedors Not show? 这一ni子有什么错误?
原标题:jQuery Linked Selectors Not Showing? - What s wrong with this snippet?

为什么在<条码>div id = debug中显示“YES”的这种幻灯。 之后

  1. each item in id=box is clicked and placed in id=que. (assigned class click2Remove)
  2. then clicked again in que?


var idcurrent = 0;
$(document).ready(function() {
    $(".click2Select").click(function() {
        idcurrent = this.id;

        $("#" + idcurrent).attr("class", "removed");
        var s =  <a href="" onclick="return false" id="  + idcurrent +  " class="click2Remove">  + $("#" + idcurrent).html() +  </a> ;
        $("#debug").html("selected and in que: "+idcurrent);
$("#que").delegate("click2Remove", "click", function() {


<div id="box">
    <li><a class="click2Select" onclick="return false" href="#" id="1">1</a></li>
    <li><a class="click2Select" onclick="return false" href="#" id="2">2</a></li>
    <li><a class="click2Select" onclick="return false" href="#" id="3">3</a></li>    

<div id="que">

<div id="debug">



页: 1 选择人需要一个拖网,班级选择人需要一个<条码>。

$("#que").delegate(".click2Remove", "click", function() {



Ack, forgot the . in the delegation... mea culpa!

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