English 中文(简体)
• 如何用一些关键词解决被冻结的——问题?
原标题:how to solve zend_translate problem with some keywords?

i 为我的多语文网站使用zen升(尼调剂)。

但如果在我的语文档案中使用一些关键词,就会产生错误。 例如(不是关键词)。






INI files have several restrictions. If a value in the ini file contains any non-alphanumeric characters it needs to be enclosed in double-quotes ("). There are also reserved words which must not be used as keys for ini files. These include: NULL, yes, no, TRUE, and FALSE. Values NULL, no and FALSE results in "", yes and TRUE results in 1. Characters {}|&~![()" must not be used anywhere in the key and have a special meaning in the value. Do not use them as it will produce unexpected behaviour.



Zend 邮件问题,涉及外国char子+ com子

泽斯德邮局在名称被定为具有外国性质(如“保”)和 com(”)的物品时,就放弃了一种例外(因为邮局(邮局)退回假)。 重新提出以下守则。

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