We have a Windows Server 2016 machine that we use to build our Xamarin projects. We recently upgraded our macOS to Ventura and since have not been able to pair Visual Studio to the mac. I have followed the troubleshooting steps from Microsoft to no avail.
What doesn t work
We experience different types of failure depending on version of Visual Studio that we attempt to use.
VS 2022 17.6.3
Pairing fails before asking for credentials for the mac with the error:
Couldn t resolve mac ipAddress
There is no obvious problem identified in the logs.
VS 2022 17.2 LTC
Pairing fails after credentials for the mac have been entered with the error:
An error occurred while trying to establish an SSH connection with SSH keys to ipAddress:portNumber
The logs indicate that VS is attempting to use rsa to connect to the mac which is not supported on macOS Ventura:
Executing SSH command ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -m PEM -f "/Users/<user>/Library/Caches/Xamarin/XMA/Keys/<guid1>" -q -N "<guid2>" ...
I have run through the solutions offered in this other stackoverflow question but have not been able to resolve the issue.
I would rather not enable rsa on our Mac but it doesn t work anyway. I can manually install the latest version of OpenSSH however there is no change. I cannot remove OpenSSH from the Windows Server 2016 OS as it is not listed in the Optional Features .
What does work
Other machines
I have confirmed on multiple other machines running Windows 10 and Windows 11 with various installations of Visual Studio including 17.6.3 that the Mac can be paired with it s current configuration.
These working instances are using ecdsa according to the logs:
Executing SSH command: ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521 -m PEM -f "/Users/<user>/Library/Caches/Xamarin/XMA/Keys/<guid1>" -N "<guid2>" -q
I am able to ssh into the Mac from the Windows Server 2016 machine that cannot pair.
Does anyone know:
how to resolve this issue; or
how to ensure that VS uses the ecdsa cryptographic algorithm when pairing with a mac?
Thanks in advance.