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• 由于垃圾收集器的弃置,Canat公司
原标题:Can t run Cocoa UnitTests because of Garbage Collector disabling

I m trying to add some UnitTests to a bunch of Cocoa Legacy code. I created a Unit Test Bundle, and added all source and frameworks needed, but the build fails with this message:

2010-08-26 16:07:18.074 otest-x86_64[64675:903] The test bundle at 
could not be loaded because its Objective-C runtime information does not match 
the runtime information required by the test rig.  This is likely because the 
test rig is being run with Objective-C garbage collection disabled, but the 
test bundle requires Objective-C garbage collection.  To enable Objective-C 
garbage collection for the test rig, run it in an environment without the 
OBJC_DISABLE_GC environment variable.


2010-08-26 16:38:28.824 otest-x86_64[71383:903] The test bundle at 
buildfix/pomodoro/build/Release/UnitTest.octest could not be loaded 
because an unanticipated error occurred: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain 
Code=3587 UserInfo=0x20002a640 "The bundle “UnitTest.octest” couldn’t be 
loaded because it is damaged or missing necessary resources."
 (dlopen_preflight(/Users/giordano/application/build/Release/UnitTest.octest/Contents/MacOS/UnitTest): Library not loaded: 
  Referenced from: 
  Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
GC capability mismatch
GC capability mismatch)

I wonder if it s possible to force Unit Test to run without Garbage Collection: Any clue?





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