English 中文(简体)
原标题:Caching performance of serial vs padded data
  • 时间:2010-09-01 10:39:53
  •  标签:
  • c
  • caching

I got some objects with certain values, for example: (1)

struct massPoint {
    double pos;
    double vel;
    double acc;
} objects[LOTS];



double pos[LOTS];
double vel[LOTS];
double acc[LOTS];

第一问题: (1) 附加数据和(2) 序列数据是否正确?

第二个问题: 如果某些行动只影响生育和蓄水池,而且没有生物蓄水池,而且有有机水池,那么(2) 就会更好,因为在打断性能方面做得更好,因为胎盘必须用这种方式,而且(1) 必须用这种方式? 或者根本看不到这一概念?




  • if you really have random (= unpredictable) access and each double makes up a cacheline and your data is correctly aligned both would be equivalent in terms of caching.
  • your second method is clearly superior on modern architectures if you have streaming access to the data, that is for which the compiler / runtime / hardware can easily predict the future access and that have enough hardware registers for the all the pointers and the data
  • your first method could be superior in cases you have only few registers, since for the second the compiler might need to keep track of your current index in the three different arrays






  • the total size of each set is too big to fit in local cache (probable).
  • you re not doing complicated calculations that require other external data anyway.
  • the operations you re performing aren t convertible to vector operations.


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