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原标题:How to structure simple Android apps

我先在安的平台上提出申请,就成为一个组织问题。 该应用将传感器用作投入,而开放式GL则作为产出。

  • The traditional method is something like organizing the project into an MVC where I have the main activity class load an OpenGL view and a sensor handling class and will then probably register some callbacks or possibly do it on a clock.
  • The sloppy alternative is having a single class that implements GLSurfaceView and SensorEventListener and then offload the logic into other classes.

• 采用非常简单的绘画法和一些复杂的控制系统法,试图在60岁时复读。 我期待着业绩、可维持性和对发展的影响的轻松,因此,所有投入都是宝贵的。 而且,在安乐施或移动发展方面,我是一个完整的创新,如果你能够用第三个也是巨大的选择向我展示光灯。




I use your latter approach, but it s not as sloppy as you make it seem. You don t really need any logic code in your GLSurfaceView, just calls to your classes when certain events happen. (onDraw, onTouch, onKey, etc)

Not sure what s sloppy about this, I maintain my logic in their proper classes. For example, in my onDrawFrame() I simply do MyAreaManager.draw(gl)


至于锁锁,你很可能要两条read子。 一种是提供(GLSurface 意见已读),一种是按某种逻辑计算。





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