I hate to be so blunt, but all the answers on this page with the exception of @Erwin Smout s are worthless.
Statistical analysis is a joke for identifying poker cheats
I realize the question allows there to be millions of hands worth of history available to the system. I m sure there are players with hand histories this large, hell, I ve probably played this many online hands. But I ve also been playing online for over 10 years. Thats not a small amount of time, and it is my understanding that two conflicting things are true when it comes to identifying online poker cheaters: it needs to happen in a small amount of time, and like any good thief, an online poker cheat is going to take his stash elsewhere immediately after the taking.
There was a great example of the variance in poker in this paper which was generated by matching an always raise player versus an always call player (page 13 of the PDF). Over the course of 100,000 hands, wayyyy more than I think most people would be willing to play against someone who could see their cards, the always call player won on average .026 small blinds per hand. I know this does not sound like much, but assuming stakes of $5-10, that comes out to $6,500. Maybe someone can help me find the link, but the measured professional win rate is less not too much larger than this. Please note, NEITHER of these players was cheating, and the statistically expected difference over this number of hands is significantly less than what actually transpired.
What online poker players need to understand
Poker is gambling. It is a game of skill, because some players are able to elicit more information from their opponents than their opponents are able to gather, and that extra information is often as useful as seeing other peoples cards. Even players who are better players than their typical opponents, will end up long term losers. If you do not understand this, you re just searching for witches with statistics in the arbitrarily small number of hands you ll be playing against any opponent.
What can be done?
Keeping in mind the question states that cheaters are able to see the other players cards, you don t need statistical analysis to identify them. There are only three ways in which that is possible.
First is that the server is sending the information intentionally to clients which is an obvious security issue and should not be implemented (IMO, even for moderators). If a site was found allowing this to happen, it is the player s responsibility to move their funds elsewhere, or refuse to play on the site until that terrible design decision is rectified. It should also be the responsibility of the sites to inform their players of the exact steps that take place during hands played on the site so they have that to make their decision on when choosing a site in the first place. Security by obscurity is unpermitable. As for catching the thieves, this information should be sitting in log files on their servers, which should be regularly audited for this type of behavior.
Second is that the user has hacked the poker server and they would know about that in hurry, or else once it is exposed, it is again players responsibility to determine where to play. In this case, the cheater can be prosecuted in most countries.
Lastly, it is possible the dealing algorithm has been cracked. This one was a major problem in the past with companies that used naive methods to deal hands, but most of the major shops solved this problem by taking random inputs from players logged into their system as well as using entropy generating hardware to seed their random number generator. Thats not to say it cannot be cracked however. If this is the case, the only option is for the company to engineer a new random number generator.