I m trying to assign a value with code like the following:
findItemByCategoryRequest r = new findItemByCategoryRequest()
r.outputSelector = outputSelectorType.SellerInfo
However I am getting an error when I try to build:
"Cannot implicitly convert type FinalEbayParser.com.ebay.developer.OutputSelectorType
to FinalEbayParser.com.ebay.developer.OutputSelectorType[] "
Now I would expect there to be an Object, some sort of array of outputSelectorTypes..but one doesn t seem to exist in the Ebay Finding API for .NET
There is such a thing for itemFilters (itemFilter[]) which you can assign a various number of item filters and then assign the itemFilter[] object to the property r.itemFilter
Any help is much appreciated with this, it is all I need working to sign off on a project that is already over due. The Ebay website itself gives very very little info about using the API with .NET and I have a feeling this may even be something they have forgotten completely somehow...Apparently that s happened in the past.